View Full Version : Diff Vertigo tape now !!

sweet sensation
13th March 2002, 04:56 PM
This is Sept 92.

Tune 1
Starts with man singing "dum dum dum dum dee digga dum...." for quite a while ! Then beat comes in with a pipey sound ! This goes on for quite a while !! Then beat goes out and its just the pipey sound with the guy doing his dum dee dum stuff !! Then Oh god this is a tune !!! Then lone piano, ahhhh starts slow then goes a bit quicker, then bassy sound with drum beat in background then piano comes back in, god Im rushing !!! Then beat comes back in with the piano, this is a TUNE !!!! Then it goes ba ba ba ba ba ba, ba ba ba ba ba ba (rpt), saxy sound, then beat comes back in (break beaty). Then piano, then goes a bit squelchy !! Then back to piano, then woman sings "come on" with beats and sax and drums. I NEED to know what this is !!!!

Decided this tune deserves a thread all of its own !! ;) :drum:

Sweet xx

sweet sensation
13th March 2002, 04:57 PM
Errr......apologies for description, was getting a bit carried away !!

Sweet xx

13th March 2002, 04:58 PM
Lee Marrow - Da Da Da

& HTF have it in for 3 quid :


Whey-hey - get in there babes !

13th March 2002, 05:00 PM
...... I think it is..... could be.......you never know.......:$

Get it anyways Sweet - top tunage ! I think it's on one of the Vertigo tapes you sent me anyways.......

sweet sensation
13th March 2002, 05:11 PM
Cheers Shoomie !! Cant believe you got it from my description !! Anyone got this to up ???

Sweet xx

13th March 2002, 05:14 PM
I got the 12" @ home & can rip for ya's..... there's four mixes of it so will rip the one I remember from ya tape :thumbsup:

13th March 2002, 05:36 PM
lol ur descriptions make me laff sweat sensation :rofl:

good work shoomy shoom shoom shooms!

sweet sensation
14th March 2002, 10:54 AM
Err...... listened to this last night Shoomie and Im afraid its not the right one, altho it is one I wanted iding !! ;) So ta !

Think I might have to rip this, cos its a hard one to describe ! Ste its on Sept 92. I'll go through the tape today and let you know whereabouts.

Cheers anyway Shooms,cos you ided 1 I wanted !!

Sweet xx

sweet sensation
14th March 2002, 10:56 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by butty
[B]lol ur descriptions make me laff sweat sensation :rofl:

Didnt realise I was only here to amuse you butty !! When do I get paid ??? ;) ;) ;)

Sweet xx

sweet sensation
25th April 2002, 03:26 PM
Was listening to this tape again the other day and got reminded of this tune, and couldnt remember if it got ided or not.....but it didnt....so Im putting it back up...

The first bit tho...the digga digga bit is actually a different tune !!! :axe: :axe:

I NEED to know what this is cos it makes me rush sooooooooooo much...tis a tune and a half !!! :phones: :p

Sweet xx

oldskooldazed (al)
25th April 2002, 05:37 PM

got ya some new sets for sat babe - top daz willot sets - new vertigo - n some sasha - ill do em to disk then ya can make cds back at grads or summat


:D :D :D :D :D :D

sweet sensation
26th April 2002, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Rewind 88 92

got ya some new sets for sat babe - top daz willot sets - new vertigo - n some sasha - ill do em to disk then ya can make cds back at grads or summat


:D :D :D :D :D :D

Youre a star Al :thumbsup: and dont worry I aint forgotten I owe you stuff just got no way of recording at the mo, will do it asap tho..;)

I'll bring this tune with me on sat see if you know what it is...;)

Sweet xx

sweet sensation
2nd May 2002, 04:05 PM
After countless hours of discussion, I think we managed to id this as Void !! And I think, if I remember rightly Grad told me its called Destiny....can anyone confirm ???

Bit huge ta

Sweet xxx