View Full Version : Diet Coke Tune

12th July 2003, 01:10 AM
Have you seen the advert for Diet Coke, the one where the young lady is on the train goin thru some U.S City!! Well whats the funky disco tune playin in the background, has a male vocal.. 'Hello my love...!'. I reckon its early 80's disco tune, maybe wrong though!!

Help really appreciated!! :thumbsup:

12th July 2003, 08:28 AM
its Charles Sheffield - It's Your Voodoo Working ;)

cant take all the credit for this one tho bud, all the tunes off UK tv ad's are on this site here, click me to see (http://www.commercialbreaksandbeats.co.uk) just type in the name of the ad and itll bring it up ;)

12th July 2003, 08:45 AM
Top post Biskit. Every time I see the ad I've been intending to find out what that tune was.

12th July 2003, 09:52 AM
Nice one Andy!! :thumbsup: Got to say Froz, tiz a luverly tune!!! :D

12th July 2003, 10:23 AM
just checked gemm for ya mate but theres nowt on there apart from books :S

12th July 2003, 10:55 AM
don't think it's it. this is more of a 60's mowtown type vibe.

12th July 2003, 10:58 AM
I'm not convinced I did a google search for it, and the couple of links I looked at said Charles Sheffield was a Northern Soul artist. That diet coke tune doesn't sound Northern Soul like at all.

12th July 2003, 11:00 AM
Result !!!

brothers johnson - strawberry letter 23

12th July 2003, 11:03 AM
Nice one Geekboy, I've got that. :thumbsup:

It's on their album Right On Time. Just listening to it now, it sucks big time other than the chorus that they nicked for the ad.

12th July 2003, 11:05 AM
jeezus ....

'Stomp' is another funky tune i've been after for years!


Cheers for the thread

12th July 2003, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by wildpitch
Nice one Geekboy, I've got that. :thumbsup:

It's on their album Right On Time. Just listening to it now, it sucks big time other than the chorus that they nicked for the ad.

Aye, It's not one you'd blast out when anyones around like :eyebrow:

12th July 2003, 11:57 AM
Feck, I've got it on 12" too. It's the B-side to Aint We Funkin Now.

12th July 2003, 12:24 PM
i didnt read www.commercialbreaksandbeats.co.uk i just saw diet coke & 2003 and presumed :S

12th July 2003, 12:29 PM
Nice one chaps, I started to doubt 'Charles Sheffield', after doin a search and comin up wiv the same as what you posted, I e-mailed someone to confirm, theyve not yet got back to me, but they dont need to now!!

Cheerz Geekboy!! :thumbsup:

sweet sensation
12th July 2003, 12:59 PM
Lol ! I was gonna put a post up about this tune, was just saying to grad last night !!

So is the whole song pants then and the good bit is the bit on the advert ??

Has anyone got a rip of it ??

Sweet xx