View Full Version : ZONE - Stu Davies Track

10th July 2003, 12:22 PM
Now then,

Rite, it's a vocally type of tune obviously with Stu D playin it!!!

I heard it on a tape when he mixed it into Dynamic Work - Show Me or X Fade - Here We Are.

It goes something like "Hear Me Love Me Touch Me or something like that and goes into a piano or synth. It is not Entropya - Mind Cables cos I have that, it's something else, if I have the lyrics correct.

Stu doesn't really mix it, he just cross fades it over then the vocals just drop in!!!!

Any help appreciated!!!


10th July 2003, 12:33 PM
ive heard that on a few zone cds but dont no the name of it
andy pendle is a new member 2 board he will id it 4 you im

10th July 2003, 12:40 PM
Maybe... 'Tom Tom - See Me, Hear Me'

There's a sample here...

Click me (http://www.pianoheaven.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=14957&highlight=tom+tom) :D

10th July 2003, 03:09 PM

that sample is from FRIENDS OF MATTHEW "OUT THERE"

which is an old tune.....obviously sampled.....

best o luck...

15th July 2003, 10:17 AM
Its not an old track!!!

15th July 2003, 10:18 AM
yeah I know that...

I was talkin about that sample...

come on fella....calm it...


15th July 2003, 10:51 AM
Bob, are you goin thru your menopause or summit, alot of ur replies lately have been rather abrupt!!

15th July 2003, 10:53 AM
nice one Chris..!!!

s'okay me an Scotty boy here are old friends....


15th July 2003, 10:54 AM
I know messiah "Thunderdome" used that sample but i cant imagine stu D playing even though its a classic track


15th July 2003, 10:54 AM

15th July 2003, 02:17 PM
i bought loads of tunes from stu in 1997 when he was selling up.didn't get any that had that vocal in.
i do have an italian tune that uses it though:

techno g - dreamland (no limits italy)

never heard of him or any zone dj playing it,phil @ melodyhouse got the remainder of his collection and it wasn't in there,but then again he's kept some of his italian,no-one ever got his L.A. Flowers for starters.could be that one.it's fast but could've been pitched down.

herman munster
15th July 2003, 07:36 PM
could it be that tune called

pis of keik - can you see me

not sure of the spelling or label??

herman munster
15th July 2003, 08:05 PM
could it be that tune called

pis of keik - can you see me

not sure of the spelling or label??

26th July 2003, 08:21 AM
Thanks lads,

Best thing for me to do would be to dig out the tape and create a sample me thinks.

