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View Full Version : Jungle tracks from 1995 x 3

27th November 2020, 05:46 PM
Originally posted in the hardcore section along with some older tracks which were more hardcore but here are a few jungle tunes I've been wondering about since digging out some old tapes...

Tape was recorded from ChoiceFM (Birmingham) jungle show back in june 1995

#1 - has the sample "ooh babbaaaaaaaayyyyyy"

#2 - same show, not sure if part of same track, seems to flow from it and seems too good to be mixed in? pretty sure I should know what it is as famous baseline and typical amen sample but it evades me...

#5 - jungle track, it seems to be very much like Easymen DJ SS, Brandy sample, but it is different... maybe a prerelease version, and again not sure if the last part is even same track?

Many thanks to anyone who can ID :)

DJ Delight
4th December 2020, 12:47 AM

4th December 2020, 03:13 PM
#1 = (DJ Harmony Remix) https://www.discogs.com/Danny-Breaks-Droppin-Science-Volume-01-Remixes/release/122433

#2 - Know it but can't rmrmber atm

#5 = (Remix 1) https://www.discogs.com/DJ-SS-Easymen-Remix/release/414118

This lasts for 30 secs,then another tune comes in, which again I can't think of atm :rolleyes:

They've been solved in this thread:
