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Thread: 1996-99 techno/electro ids

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default 1996-99 techno/electro ids

    Hi, can anyone id ANY of the tracks in these sets please, proving elusive!!

    1] Ribbz @ Club Kinetic 1996

    [00:00] 01.
    [03:35] 02. Dj hyperactive - r-19 [thanks mikewill]
    [06:45] 03. Woody McBride - There's Still Time [thanks cthulhu303]
    [10:31] 04. The Blunted Boy Wonder - Circuit Sex [NovaMute]
    [14:04] 05. The Unknown - Frontier 1 [thanks cthulhu303]
    [17:17] 06. Advent - bad boy [planetary assault systems mix] [thanks Burnsey]
    [20:52] 07. The Advent - It One Jah (Surgeon Remix) [thanks cthulhu303]
    [24:39] 08. Deputy dawg - gunslinger
    [29:02] 09. Barcode Population - All Aboard The U.S.S. Severe - A1 [Subvert Records]
    [32:13] 10. The Dawg - Dirtbag [thanks cthulhu303]
    [35:11] 11. Flux - Loop 6 [Signum]
    [39:41] 12. Adam Beyer & Lenk - Untitled (Drumcode 01 - A1)
    [41:23] 13. Subvoice - Untitled (SUBV07 A1) [Subvoice Electronic Music]
    [44:28] 14. Adam X - Vandalism [thanks cthulhu303]
    [47:07] 15. Cristian Vogel - Demolish [Sativae]

    here is the link

    2] Ribbz @ Tomorrows World 1997

    0 mins - jay dernham - temporary relief
    4 mins - adonis - no return part 1[advent mix] [thanks kdgood]
    9.30 mins -
    13 mins - ingo kennedy - state variable
    15 mins -sugar experiment station - influence technology [thanks kdgood]
    19.30 mins - stephen brown - skyways
    21 mins - Norman - coast
    24 mins -
    27.25 - jay dernham - down size
    29.30 mins - DJ Argonic vs. DJ Chich ‎– Pulse Three [thanks cthulhu303]
    33 mins - drumcode 05 - tasty bits [a1] [thanks kdgood]
    35 mins - the previous - Oneric
    37 mins - Inigo kennedy - the knowledge
    39 mins -
    40 mins -Zzino vs accelerator (cant remember the name off reload recs)
    43.30 mins - Sugar Experiment Station - Atomgrad [Scandinavia] [thanks kdgood]

    here is the link

    3] Ribbz @ Anthology 1997

    0 mins - Neil Landstrumm - Praline Horse [thanks kgdood]
    6 mins -
    10 mins -
    12 mins -
    15 mins -
    18 mins -
    21 mins -
    24 mins -
    26.30 mins -
    30 mins - woody mcbride - unlimited [thanks cthulhu303]
    31 mins -
    36 mins -
    41 mins -
    48 mins - space djz - tesla [thanks kdgood]
    50 mins - jamie bissmire - sympathetic resonance [thanks kdgood]
    57 mins - Sapiano & The Party Crashers - Squeeky Clean [thanks choci]

    here is the link

    4] Ribbz @ Dreamscape 33

    0 mins -
    3 mins -
    6 mins -
    9 mins -
    13 mins - daniel erbe - take it
    16 mins -
    19 mins - leandro gamez - la bola [thanks minimal]
    21 mins - daniel erbe - showgirls (thanks kdgood)
    24 mins - space djs - ak47
    27 mins - deputy dawn - dirtbag [thanks poisonhead]
    29 mins - pump panel - ego acid [thanks zygotik]
    32 mins - smith and selway - move
    38 mins - ian void - the wedge [thanks kdgood]
    40 mins - gaetek - undecided
    45 mins -
    47 mins - jamie bissmire - number and measure [chris mccormack mix] [thanks moanerman]
    51 mins - umek & ben long - audio 16 (b1)
    54 mins - andrew richley - trackman [chris liebing mix] [thanks peuk]
    56 mins - space djz - centre field [thaks kgdood

    here is the link,

    5] Ribbz @ Slammin Vinyl Vs Hardcore Heaven 1999

    0 mins - Spaceman - Test 2 [thanks kdgood]
    3 mins - envoy - rundown [thanks kdgood]
    6 mins - advent - axum
    9 mins - gaetek - undecided
    10 mins - umek - nodlocnust
    12 mins - Roiseux & Lekebusch - Parallel Content
    14 mins - umek - cmeda
    17 mins - gaetek - outmove
    20 mins - DJ Shufflemaster - Elektronique Dweller(Cari Lekebusch remix)
    23 mins - subvoice - dynamite voltage
    25 mins - steve stoll - observer
    28.32 mins - advent - in search [thanks [peuk]

    link to first half of the set here

    part 2 of the set

    0 mins - advent - in search [thanks peuk]
    2 mins - underworld - push upstairs [adam beyer mix]
    4 mins - smith and selway - arrive [thanks kdgood]
    7 mins -
    10 mins - leandro gamez - into the future
    12 mins -
    15 mins -
    17 mins -
    19 mins- Andrew Richley & Ryan Rivera - Trackman (Gaetano Parisio Mix II) [thanks kdgood]
    21 mins - ind-ex - receptor
    24 mins - olga jozef - olga jozef 02
    26 mins -
    28 mins - ben long - potential (umek mix)

    here is the link to the 2nd part of the set

    6] Ribbz @ Space 1999 - track @ 23.30 minutes in this clip [clip starts at the track]

    7) Ribbz @ Deathrow Techno 1997, track @ 43.30 mins in this set

    Thanks to everyone whose helped me so far burnsey, zykotik, moanerman, cthulhu303, kdgood, etc im struggling big time on these!!

    cheers peeps
    Last edited by rich.c; 9th August 2017 at 10:28 PM. Reason: updated tracklist

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    [00:00] 01.
    [03:35] 02.
    [06:45] 03.
    [10:31] 04. The Blunted Boy Wonder - Circuit Sex [NovaMute]
    [14:04] 05.
    [17:17] 06.
    [20:52] 07.
    [24:39] 08.
    [29:02] 09. Barcode Population - All Aboard The U.S.S. Severe - A1 [Subvert Records]
    [32:13] 10.
    [35:11] 11. Flux - Loop 6 [Signum]
    [39:41] 12. Adam Beyer & Lenk - Untitled (Drumcode 01 - A1)
    [41:23] 13. Subvoice - Untitled (SUBV07 A1) [Subvoice Electronic Music]
    [44:28] 14.
    [47:07] 15. Cristian Vogel - Demolish [Sativae]

    Please provide time layout like above for another 2 sets, if you want track ids from them.
    Last edited by kdgood; 18th August 2015 at 09:02 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Thanks kdgood, yep started a tracklist now with links

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    2] Ribbz @ Tomorrows World 1997

    0 mins -
    4 mins - Adonis - No Return Part I (The Advent Remix) [Trax]
    9.30 mins -
    13 mins -
    16 mins - Sugar Experiment Station - Influence Technology [Scandinavia]
    19.30 mins -
    25 mins -
    27.30 mins -
    29.30 mins -
    33 mins -
    35 mins -
    37 mins -
    39 mins -
    40 mins -
    43.30 mins -

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    3] Ribbz @ Anthology 1997

    0 mins -
    6 mins -
    10 mins -
    12 mins -
    15 mins -
    18 mins -
    21 mins -
    24 mins -
    26.30 mins -
    30 mins -
    31 mins -
    36 mins -
    41 mins -
    48 mins -
    50 mins - Jamie Bissmire - Sympathetic Resonance [Ground - GND 000]
    57 mins -

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    0 mins -
    3 mins -
    6 mins -
    9 mins -
    13 mins -
    16 mins -
    19 mins -
    21 mins -
    24 mins - space djs - ak47
    27 mins - deputy dawn - dirtbag [thanks poisonhead]
    29 mins - pump panel - ego acid [thanks zygotik]
    32 mins - smith and selway - move
    38 mins - Ian Void - The Wedge [Geushky]
    40 mins - gaetek - undecided
    45 mins -
    47 mins - jamie bissmire - number and measure [chris mccormack mix] [thanks moanerman]
    51 mins -
    54 mins -
    56 mins - Space DJz - Centre Field [Soma Quality]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    cheers kdgood, much appreciated, tracklists updated, ive added the youtube link to the slammin vinyl vs hardcore heaven set 2nd part, can you help with any of those? Thanks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Some more IDs and fixes in t/list:

    2] Ribbz @ Tomorrows World 1997

    0 mins -
    4 mins - adonis - no return part 1[advent mix] [thanks kdgood]
    9.30 mins -
    13 mins -
    16 mins - sugar experiment station - influence technology [thanks kdgood]
    19.30 mins -
    25 mins -
    27.30 mins -
    29.30 mins - Adam Beyer - Untitled (Tasty Bits - A1) [Drumcode]
    32:30 mins -

    37 mins -
    39 mins -
    40 mins -
    43.30 mins - Sugar Experiment Station - Atomgrad [Scandinavia]

    3] Ribbz @ Anthology 1997

    0 mins - Neil Landstrumm - Praline Horse (I Ate The Whole Bag Remix) [Tresor]
    6 mins -
    10 mins -
    12 mins -
    15 mins -
    18 mins -
    21 mins -
    24 mins -
    26.30 mins -
    30 mins -
    31 mins -
    36 mins -
    41 mins -
    48 mins -
    49:30 mins - Space DJz - Tesla [NovaMute] // sped up, hard to recognize
    52:30 mins - jamie bissmire - sympathetic resonance [thanks kdgood]
    57 mins -

    5] Ribbz @ Slammin Vinyl Vs Hardcore Heaven 1999

    0 mins - Spaceman - Test 2 [Clockwork Recordings]
    3 mins - Envoy - Rundown [Soma Quality]
    6 mins -
    9 mins - gaetek - undecided
    10 mins - umek - nodlocnust
    12 mins -
    14 mins - umek - cmeda
    17 mins - gaetek - outmove
    20 mins - DJ Shufflemaster - Elektronique Dweller(Cari Lekebusch remix)
    23 mins -
    26 mins - advent - in search [thanks [peuk]

    part 2 of the set

    0 mins - advent - in search [thanks peuk]
    2 mins - underworld - push upstairs [adam beyer mix]
    4 mins - Christian Smith & John Selway - Arrive [Intec Records]
    7 mins -
    10 mins -
    12 mins -
    15 mins -
    18 mins - Andrew Richley & Ryan Rivera - Trackman (Gaetano Parisio Mix II) [Fine Audio]
    21 mins -
    // i may find this track in the future
    24 mins -
    26 mins -
    28 mins -

    Many tracks in these sets seem to be sped up.

  9. #9


    1] Ribbz @ Club Kinetic 1996

    [00:00] 01.
    [03:35] 02.
    [06:45] 03. Woody McBride - There's Still Time
    [10:31] 04. The Blunted Boy Wonder - Circuit Sex [NovaMute]
    [14:04] 05. The Unknown - Frontier 1
    [17:17] 06. Advent - bad boy [planetary assault systems mix] [thanks Burnsey]
    [20:52] 07. The Advent - It One Jah (Surgeon Remix)
    [24:39] 08.
    [29:02] 09. Barcode Population - All Aboard The U.S.S. Severe - A1 [Subvert Records]
    [32:13] 10. The Dawg - Dirtbag
    [35:11] 11. Flux - Loop 6 [Signum]
    [39:41] 12. Adam Beyer & Lenk - Untitled (Drumcode 01 - A1)
    [41:23] 13. Subvoice - Untitled (SUBV07 A1) [Subvoice Electronic Music]
    [44:28] 14.
    [47:07] 15. Cristian Vogel - Demolish [Sativae]
    I try to help where I can, please help me in return.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    awesome guys, much appreciated ive updated the tracklists as ive had a few replies on aswell. The ones at the top of my list i want id'ing are the tracks at 9 & 16 mins in the dreamscape 33 set, the track at 8 mins in the 2nd part of the slammin vinyl set and the 2 tracks playing in links 6 and 7. Ill continue to update the tracklists..cheers peeps

  11. #11


    Ribbz @ Tomorrows World 1997

    0 mins -
    4 mins - adonis - no return part 1[advent mix] [thanks kdgood]
    9.30 mins -
    13 mins -
    16 mins - sugar experiment station - influence technology [thanks kdgood]
    19.30 mins -
    25 mins -
    27.30 mins -
    29.30 mins - DJ Argonic vs. DJ Chich ‎– Pulse Three
    33 mins - drumcode 05 - tasty bits [a1] [thanks kdgood]
    35 mins -
    37 mins -
    39 mins - Accelerator - Inhibitor (it seems to sound slightly different, worth checking)
    43.30 mins - Sugar Experiment Station - Atomgrad [Scandinavia] [thanks kdgood]
    I try to help where I can, please help me in return.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    thanks cthulhu, yep i thought the one at 39 mins was a reload record but could never find it!! can you help with any of the other tracks in the links???

  13. #13


    Nope, tried them all.
    I try to help where I can, please help me in return.

  14. #14


    1] Ribbz @ Club Kinetic 1996

    [44:28] 14. Adam X - Vandalism

    3] Ribbz @ Anthology 1997

    30 mins - Woody McBride - Unlimited

    You missed this twice, btw:

    13 mins -
    16 mins - sugar experiment station - influence technology [thanks kdgood]

    Your tracklist shows the track as being at 13', which is incorrect.
    I try to help where I can, please help me in return.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    ...cheers for them, the timings on the tracklists are just a rough guide, ive corrected it now.

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