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Thread: Sample of the owl + singing

  1. #1

    Default Sample of the owl + singing

    the rhythm of the tune is like a slow break-beat, than throughout tune there is a sample of something like an OWL [animal] and singing [not very long ~20s max] repeated 2 or 3 times.
    Singing is male most probably, and very atmospheric -soft.

    What is it?? please.

    I had it on cassette, but it's lost.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    . . . . the suburbs of AM★DAM . . . .


    Welcome aboard m8

    shot in the dark but could it be Time Warp - The Owls Are Not What They Seem

    Old Skool Anthemz


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Wigan / Punting on the Douglas


    Probably Indo Tribe - Owl

    "industrial trip" lyric

  4. #4


    thanx for them guys
    I was really excited to hear owl again in Time Warp it kind of twisted my stomach at the beginning

    sadly it is none of them

    Anyway more clues:
    1. BPM is about same as in Time Warp - The Owls Are Not What They Seem, or bit slower, even owl sounds quite similar like

    2. Tune definitely includes soft singing, I can imagine it is like even smoother, toned down Pet Shop Boys in let's say "GO west"

    3. I remember when singing occurs there is no significantly loud [or none] music in the background, music restarts during few last words [like]

    Also I'd share with you one thing.
    lately I've learnt that SoundMaaagic e10 are being highly rated, I found them on mp4nation website for around 18quid. I got them and form what I can say it is superb quality product

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